Student Life Tasks & Topics
Health and Wellness
Check out the location and hours of the Health & Wellness Centre, info about health insurance, appointments, mental health resources and emergency support.
Health & Wellness Centre location, hours and eligibility
Health insurance for domestic and international students
Registration, appointments, forms and policies
- All the health forms!
- New patient registration for domestic students
- New patient registration for international students
- Book appointments and view lab results online
- Explore medical services
- Getting a “doctor’s note”
- POLICY: Appointment cancellation
- POLICY: Scent-free environment
- POLICY: Privacy and confidentiality
- POLICY: Masking at Health & Wellness
- Share your experience at the Health & Wellness Centre
Mental health and wellness
- Find easy access to mental health support Important
- Support when you feel distressed Important
- Counselling services for BIPOC students
- Attend a Health & Wellness workshop
- Mindfulness & meditation
- Students supporting students
- Demystifying the Supportive Leaves Policy
- Learn about the Student Mental Health Taskforce