The Clubs & Leadership Development Resource Library holds links to all the resources and documents related to joining or starting a club, leadership workshops, equity, diversity, inclusion and access in leadership and more.
These resources are designed for those looking to get involved in clubs as well as those who are already involved in the club’s community.
Getting involved at U of T
- Learn why getting involved matters outlines the benefits of getting involved outside the classroom.
- Types of student organizations at U of T explains the differences between the many types of student groups at U of T.
- Find a club on the Student Organization Portal where you can search for a club based on the campus, group name or any keywords. You can also search for current club events or membership recruitment opportunities.
Starting a club
- How to start a club brings together key resources including helpful timelines, handbooks, policies to follow and additional workshop and staff support.
- SOP Constitution Template (DOCX) is a Word document template that students can use to help develop their own club constitution.
Club resources
- Clubs Essential Training Workshops is a series of workshops designed to provide the tools and support that club leaders need to be a contributing member of the clubs community.
- Campus Life Resource Lounge (PDF) document that outlines the space and resources available to students to use in the lounge and resources to borrow.
- Club Planning Timeline (DOCX) is a guide for student groups with tips for preparing for the upcoming school year.
- St. George Funding (DOCX) provides a list of potential funding resources for clubs and groups on campus.
Transitioning your club to the next academic year
For club executives:
- Transition Document for Club Executive (PDF) can help club executives transition over all the important information for their specific role.
- Transitional Document for General Club Information (PDF) is a document that helps executives keep track of important club information year after year.
- Attend a Leadership Fundamentals program or conference: These programs help you learn more about yourself and how you fit into the world of leadership.
- Attend a Leadership in Practice program or conference: These programs are well suited for those who understand the basics of leadership and are currently practicing leadership.
- Attend a Leadership in Action program or conference: These programs provide experienced leaders with an action plan focused on the social change model of leadership.
Self-directed learning
- Self-directed leadership learning exercises (snapshots and modules)
Expand your EDI knowledge through this list of asynchronous resources built to support all levels of learning! At the bottom, you will also find a workbook to help you reflect and put theory into action.
If you have any questions, please email
Just starting out
- The Difference Between Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity, Ritu Bhasin, 3-minute video
- Equality, Equity, and Social Justice, 2.5 minutes
- What Is Inclusion – Inclusion Imperative, 2-minute video
- Equity and Equality, 4-minute video OR Equity vs. Equality, 4.5 minutes
- What is intersectionality, 3-minute video
- Teens talking about microaggressions, 2-minute video
- SNIPPET: Microaggressions in the Classroom, 2.5-minute video
- 5 Tips for being an ally, 2-minute video
- Systemic Racism Explained, 4.5-minute video
Getting More in Depth
- Everyday practices of transformative justice,15-minute video
- Take these three free courses on reconciliation and Indigenous Education
- The body is not an apology article library
- Toward a Theory of Anti-Oppressive Education
- Articles, toolkits, and factsheets from Critical Resistance
- Harm, Punishment, and Abolition with Mariame Kaba
Short Reads
- Self Care, Self Soothing, Community and Structural Care
- Indigenous Ally Toolkit
- RAVEN Framework for responding to microaggressions
- What is anti-oppression?
- A Gen Z Guide to Inclusivity
- Identity, power, privilege and oppression, 6-minute video
- TedTalk by Jerry Kang about implicit bias and how the stereotypes we have influence how we see & behave, 13-minute video
- Kimberle Crenshaw speaks on intersectionality and calls on us to bear witness to this reality and speak up for victims of prejudice,18-minute video
- How to let go of being a “good” person — and become a better person, Dolly Chugh, 12 minutes
- Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
- How to be an Antiracist Ibram X. Kendi
- Queer a graphic history by Meg-John Barker
- Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower by Brittney Cooper
- The Skin We Are In by Desmond Cole***
- Do Better: Spiritual Activism for Fighting and Healing from White Supremacy by Rachel Ricketts
- Freedom Is A Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement By Angela Davis*
- Harm, Punishment, and Abolition with Mariame Kaba
- Colour Code
- Intersectionality Matters!
- Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness
- Finding Our way
- Code Switch – NPR
Social Media
- Smarter in Seconds series by @blairimani
- Schuyler Bailar- @pinkmantaray
- Book reports (highlights) by @alokvmenon
- @ihartericka
- @prentishemphill
Reflection Workbook – 5 Reflective Questions