If you are experiencing difficulties affecting your learning in lectures, labs or tutorials due to a temporary physical disability, we encourage you to register with Accessibility Services for academic accommodations. Accessibility Services supports students registered in courses on the St. George campus. An example of a temporary physical disability is an injured or broken limb.
Documentation requirements
To register with Accessibility Services you will need to provide the following:
- the Certificate of Disability (PDF) completed by a health care practitioner familiar with your disability who is licensed to make a diagnosis
- recent medical documentation from an appropriate health care practitioner (e.g. an emergency room physician, family doctor, and/or neurologist) that outlines the functional impacts of your disability and your accommodation needs
- additional documentation may be requested to verify the need for continued services after the estimated duration of the condition
Doctors at the Health & Wellness Centre provide disability documentation services as appropriate.
Associated Services
Accessibility Services registration & documentation requirements – St. George Campus
Accessibility Services supports students who experience difficulties affecting their learning in lectures, labs and/or tutorials through academic and practicum accommodations. Learn more about Accessibility Services registration & documentation requirements – St. George CampusAccommodations renewal
Starting May 1, students currently registered with our office will receive an email from Accessibility Services outlining the process of reactivation that is available to them for the upcoming academic year. Learn more about Accommodations renewalAccessibility advisor support
You and your accessibility advisor will work together to develop your academic accommodations. Learn more about Accessibility advisor support