What is harm reduction?
Harm reduction is an evidence-based approach to programs and policies that aims to reduce the negative impacts of risky health behaviours. At its core, harm reduction is about meeting people where they are and respecting their individual autonomy and dignity. For example, rather than expecting students to completely abstain from behaviours which might risk their health, like using drugs and alcohol, partying or having sex, a harm reduction approach provides services and resources to help students do those things more safely.
At UTSG’s Health & Wellness Centre, we strive to provide students with the appropriate resources and supports to empower them to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.
Harm reduction resources within U of T
The Health & Wellness Centre provides a range of services to support you to explore safer ways to engage in activities you want to do. As a student, you can:
- Speak to our doctors, nurses, and mental health professionals about your drug and alcohol use, sexual activity, or partying
- Receive referrals to addiction services, rehabilitation services, STI/STD testing sites, HIV consultations, and more
- Receive sexual and reproductive health counselling and education including PrEP resources, birth control consultations (birth control pills, IUD insertions, emergency contraception), pregnancy support, as well as STI education and care.
- Receive mental health services, including single session counselling, intensive counselling or psychotherapy, group therapy, or peer support.
Location: 700 Bay St (Bay and Gerrard)
To book an appointment, visit: https://studentlife.utoronto.ca/task/book-appointments-and-view-lab-results-online/
Discovery Pharmacy is the University of Toronto’s dedicated campus pharmacy, providing pharmacy and interdisciplinary health services to the U of T community. You can:
- Receive Naloxone and Naloxone Training
- Clean out your medicine cabinet with Discovery Pharmacy’s Medical Disposal Program
- Receive General counselling or a health service orientation, including one tailored to international students
Location: 144 College St, Rm 332 (Right outside of Queen’s Park Station)
To learn more visit: https://www.discoverypharmacy.utoronto.ca/
The Sexual Education Centre offers a free, confidential, non-judgmental peer support approach to sex education to all University of Toronto students, faculty, staff, community members and organizations. You can:
- Attend presentations or workshops
- Receive safer sex supplies
- Receive peer support
- Request library and print resources
- Receive connections to Sexual Health Clinics and community resources
Location: 230 College St, Room 326 (Huron and College (map))
To learn more visit: https://www.secutoronto.org/
U of T Telus Health Student Support provides students with real-time and/or appointment-based confidential, 24-hour support for any school, health, or general life concern at no cost to you. You can call or chat with a counsellor directly from your phone whenever, wherever you are.
- You can access U of T Telus Health Student Support (formerly U of T My SSP) 24/7 by calling 1-844-451-9700.
- Outside of North America, call 001-416-380-6578.
To learn more visit: uoft.me/THSS
Harm reduction resources in the community
Community Resources:
- Safe Use Supplies and Disposal
- Ontario Pharmacies Free Naloxone Kits
- Supervised Consumption and Overdose Prevention Sites
- ConnexOntario
- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
- CAMH Nicotine Dependence Clinic
- Sunnybrook Navigation
- YMCA – Youth Substance Awareness Program (YSAP)
- Across Boundaries
- Toronto Public Health – The Works Harm Reduction
- Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre – Harm Reduction Programs
- Cannabis and Mental Health
- Get Sensible
- Drink Smart
- Get-a-Kit
- AIDS Committee of Toronto – Spunk! Program
- Breakaway Community Services – Pieces to Pathways
- National Overdose Response Service (NORS)
Safe Use Supplies and Disposal
The Ontario Harm Reduction Distribution Program co-ordinates the distribution of harm reduction supplies to core Harm Reduction Programs through a licensed distributor.
Ontario Pharmacies Free Naloxone Kits
The Ontario Ministry of Health maintains a map of naloxone distribution sites across the province.
Find a pharmacy near you that distributes naloxone.
Supervised Consumption and Overdose Prevention Sites
Life-saving health service that provides a safe and hygienic environment for people to inject pre-obtained drugs under the supervision of qualified staff.
Find a supervised consumption service near you.
ConnexOntario is a provincial navigation service that helps connect Ontarians to mental health, addictions and problem gambling services.
- Call 1-866-531-2600 to be connected to services
Learn more about ConnexOntario.
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is Canada’s largest mental health teaching hospital. Get informed with clear, reliable information about mental illness and addiction, including treatment and recovery.
Concurrent Outpatient Medical & Psychosocial Addiction Support Services (COMPASS) is an outpatient service specializing in evidence–based, medical and psychosocial interventions for clients with addiction/concurrent disorder concerns.
- Location: 1000 Queen St. W. (Queen and Ossington (map))
- For CAMH info line call: 1-800-463-6273
- E-mail: info@camh.ca
CAMH Nicotine Dependence Clinic
A leading hub for smoking and vaping treatment, research & education. Can receive support from a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, counselling support, and more. Now offering virtual services.
Location: 1025 Queen St. W., 5th Floor (Queen and Ossington)
Learn more about the CAMH Nicotine Dependence Clinic.
Sunnybrook Navigation
Family Navigation Project at Sunnybrook provides expert navigation of the mental health and addictions service system for youth and their families who are living in the Greater Toronto Area.
Youth are partnered with a Family Navigator, who is a mental health professional that works with them to understand their specific needs and help them:
- Identify options for treatment and support
- Create an individualized plan and path to care
- Communicate effectively with care service providers
Call or email the Family Navigation Project to get started.
YMCA – Youth Substance Awareness Program (YSAP)
YSAP is a confidential, community based self-referral program offering FREE services to young people, 14-24, who are using substances. Services include:
- Individual counselling
- Harm reduction supplies (substance testing kits and supplies for safer use)
- Educational workshops on substances, substance use and harm reduction
Connect Group, where participants gain self-care practices, peer support, coping skills and harm reduction materials
Across Boundaries
Serving racialized people with mental health and addiction issues throughout the greater Toronto area.
Location: 51 Clarkson Avenue (Caledonia Rd and Castlefield Ave)
Access services at Across Boundaries.
Toronto Public Health – The Works Harm Reduction
The Works Harm Reduction is a safe consumption site that provides:
- Safer injection equipment (needles, sterile water, alcohol swabs, tourniquets, filters, acidifiers, cookers)
- Safer smoking equipment (pyrex stems, brass screens, pushsticks, mouthpieces, safer crystal meth smoking equipment, glass bowl pipes)
- Drug checking services
- Naloxone kits & overdose response training
Location: 277 Victoria St. (Yonge and Dundas)
Check out a full list of services provided at The Works.
Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre – Harm Reduction Programs
Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre (Parkdale Queen West CHC) is a community-based health service organization located in south-west Toronto that offers a broad range of services.
Harm Reduction Rooms provide a safe and welcoming environment for people to discuss safer drug use and safer sex practices. Supplies provided include:
- Safer injection kits
- Crack kits
- Smoking foils
- Crystal meth pipes
- Foil chasing the dragon smoking kits
- Naloxone distribution
- Testosterone/steroid kits
- Safe disposal of used harm reduction equipment
- Other safer drug use equipment (e.g. cookers, water, ties, vitamin C, and sharps containers)
Supervised Consumption Services at the Queen West Site provide a safe environment where, under the supervision of staff, it is legal to possess and consume drugs. Individuals can access drug checking services here.
Location: 168 Bathurst St. (Bathurst and Queen) AND 1229 Queen St. W. (Parkdale site)
Learn more about PQWCHC’s harm reduction programming.
Cannabis and Mental Health
The Cannabis and Mental Health Course is an online 90-minute course created by youth and made for youth. This is a joint project with the Schizophrenia Society of Canada’s project Cannabis & Psychosis, YouthREX, and The Mental Health Commission of Canada.
Get Sensible
Get Sensible is a campaign to provide drug education by young people who use drugs for young people who use drugs. It aims to support informed and non-judgmental conversations with young people about cannabis by resources cover a range of cannabis topics in an accessible and engaging way.
Learn more about Get Sensible.
Drink Smart
DrinkSmart is an alcohol awareness & education program created for Ontario Post-Secondary Students-by-Students. You can access safer drinking tips, resources to raise alcohol awareness and learn how to share them with others.
Get-a-Kit is a study from the University of Ottawa, undertaken in partnership with local public health units in Ontario, to evaluate an online assessment and mail-out system for sexual health services, including testing and prevention.
Available services can include HIV self-tests and lab-based testing for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis C, gonorrhea, and chlamydia.
AIDS Committee of Toronto – Spunk! Program
A support group for gay/bi/queer men who want to make changes regarding their drug use, whether those changes are harm reduction or abstinence.
Location: 543 Yonge St., 4th Floor (Yonge and Wellesley)
Find more information about SPUNK! or contact spunk@actoronto.org.
Breakaway Community Services – Pieces to Pathways
A peer-led initiative offering Canada’s first substance use support program for LGBTQIA2S+ youth ages 16-29.
Location: 21 Strickland Ave. (Queen and Dufferin)
Find more information about Breakaway Community Services – Pieces to Pathways.
National Overdose Response Service (NORS)
NORS is an overdose prevention hotline for Canadians providing loving, confidential, nonjudgmental support for you, whenever and wherever you use drugs. This service is available 24/7 to spot you while you use, answer your questions, and help keep you safe. When you call NORS, you’ll be connected to peers trained in Mental Health First Aid and psychosis de-escalation.
Call or Text (Canada only): 1-888-688-NORS (6677).
Community Resources:
- Ontario Sexual Health Clinics
- Toronto Public Health – The Works
- Toronto Public Health – Sexual Health Infoline Ontario (SHILO)
- Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre – HIV Testing and Sex-Positive Services
- Planned Parenthood Toronto
- The Bay Centre at Women’s College Hospital – Sexual Health Care
- AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT)
- Get-a-Kit
- Sexfluent – Online Education Resource
- Maggie’s Toronto
Ontario Sexual Health Clinics
Provides free and confidential clinical services for all eligible individuals who require:
- Birth control counselling
- Low-cost birth control
- Free condoms
- Emergency contraceptive pill
- Sexually transmitted infection testing & treatment
- HIV testing, counselling & referral
- Pregnancy testing, counselling & referral
Find an Ontario Sexual Health Clinic near you.
Toronto Public Health – The Works
Provides safer sex products, such as condoms and lube.
Location: 277 Victoria St. (Yonge and Dundas)
Find a full list of services provided at The Works.
Toronto Public Health – Sexual Health Infoline Ontario (SHILO)
The Sexual Health Infoline Ontario (SHILO) is a free, anonymous and inclusive eChat and phone service for Ontario residents. This service is staffed by counsellors who provide information, support and referrals in English, French and other languages on sexual health topics.
Toll-free: 1-800-668-2437
Local: 416-392-2437
Find more information about Sexual Health Infoline Ontario.
Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre – HIV Testing and Sex-Positive Services
Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre (Parkdale Queen West CHC) is a community-based health service organization located in south-west Toronto that offers a broad range of services.
- Provides Anonymous HIV Testing on an appointment or drop-in basis 4 days a week, it is open to all members of the public
- KAPOW is a harm reduction-based, sex-positive, trans-inclusive breakfast to reconnect with the community.
- Safer sex products available
Planned Parenthood Toronto
Planned Parenthood Toronto is a youth-driven, anti-racist, culturally-responsive community health centre.
The Health Services Peer Education provides information and support on sexual and reproductive health issues in the Planned Parenthood Youth Clinic.
Planned Parenthood Toronto provides information on:
- Birth control options, including IUDs
- Pregnancy options, including abortion and prenatal care
- Sexual pleasure
- Safer sex and relationship navigation
- How to pay for some sexual and reproductive health services if you don’t have a health card
- Other services that might fit your needs, including referrals
- Any other questions you have about sexual health
Planned Parenthood Toronto can help you acquire:
- A pregnancy test
- Emergency contraception (the morning after pill)
Location: 36B Prince Arthur Ave. (Bedford and Bloor)
Learn more about Planned Parenthood Toronto.
The Bay Centre at Women’s College Hospital – Sexual Health Care
Provides comprehensive and inclusive sexual health care for people of all genders, including:
- Pap tests
- Testing and treatment for STIs
- Safer sex counselling and information
Location: 76 Grenville St., 3rd Floor (Bay and College)
Learn more about Bay Centre: Sexual Health.
AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT)
Provides free counselling to anyone living with HIV, knows someone living with HIV, or is concerned about their risk of HIV. ACT provides a range of counselling services free of charge to those who have trouble accessing quality care due to poverty, sexism, gender identity, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, racism, xenophobia, drug use and social isolation.
Get more information about AIDS Committee of Toronto.
Get-a-Kit is a study from the University of Ottawa, undertaken in partnership with local public health units in Ontario, to evaluate an online assessment and mail-out system for sexual health services, including testing and prevention.
Available services can include HIV self-tests and lab-based testing for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis C, gonorrhea, and chlamydia.
Sexfluent – Online Education Resource
Sexfluent is a youth-driven initiative by CANFAR (Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research). They provide information about harm reduction, safe sex, safe drug use, and HIV prevention.
Maggie’s Toronto
Maggie’s Toronto is a sex worker justice organization, providing supportive services including harm reduction programming, outreach, education, social, political and legal advocacy for sex workers across Toronto and the GTA.
Maggie’s provides peer resources and drop-in programs staffed by current and former sex workers, information on legal issues surrounding sex work, referrals to legal and community services, and 1:1 trauma-informed counselling.
Learn more about Maggie’s Toronto. Check them out on Instagram or Facebook.
Community Resources:
Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre – TRIP! Project
Provides a safe space for youth who party to access resources and information, including:
- Fentanyl test kits
- Harm reduction supplies
- Safe sex supplies (lube, condoms, dental dams)
- Naloxone distribution
- Safer body piercing kits
Location: 168 Bathurst St (Bathurst St & Queen St)
To learn more visit: http://tripproject.ca/
Toronto Vibe – Online Resource
Provides safer drug use information for people partying in Toronto’s gay, bi, queer men’s party scenes, however this information may be useful for everyone.
To learn more visit: https://torontovibe.com/
Community Resources:
CAMH Problem Gambling and Technology Use Treatment Services
Offers services for individuals whose gambling or technology use (Internet, computer, gaming, social media, and smart phone) is problematic and has led to difficulties in other parts of their lives including relationships, school achievement, finances, and work.
Location: 1000 Queen St. W. (Queen and Ossington (map))
To learn more about services visit: https://www.camh.ca/en/your-care/programs-and-services/problem-gambling–technology-use-treatment
Responsible Gambling Council (RGC)
Provides education and resources for youth and young adults involved in problematic gambling and online betting. RGC connects youth with support to address problem gambling.
To learn more about supports available to young adults visit: https://www.responsiblegambling.org/for-youth-and-young-adults/for-young-adults/
Addiction Services of Central Ontario – Problem Gambling
Provides assessment, information, and counselling for problem gambling
To learn more, call the Intake Department: 905-841-7007 or 1-800-263-2288 ext. 322, or visit https://helpwithaddictions.ca/
Connex Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline
Connex provides information about problem gambling treatment resources in Ontario Call: 1-888-230-3505
Community Resources:
National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC)
National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) provides information, resources, referrals and support to anyone in Canada affected by an eating disorder.
NEDIC has a free helpline and live chat providing information on treatment options and support to people either directly or indirectly affected by disordered eating and related concerns.
Toll-free: 1-866-NEDIC-20 OR Toronto: 416-340-4156
Live chat: Start a chat by clicking the orange ‘Let’s Chat’ button in the bottom right corner of any page on the National Eating Disorder Information Centre website.
The NEDIC website also hosts a “rule-based” chatbot called JEM. JEM can help you sort through the information available on NEDIC’s website to find information which is relevant to your situation. Start a chat by clicking the purple button in the button right corner of any page of the NEDIC website.
Sheena’s Place
Sheena’s Place provides free professionally facilitated group support for people age 17+ affected by eating disorders and disordered eating in Ontario. No formal diagnosis or referrals are required to access groups.
Learn more about Sheena’s Place.
Looking Glass Peer Support
The Looking Glass Foundation provides an anonymous space for individuals to connect to a recovery community and receive support in real-time. The Online Peer Support chat is available for free to anyone in Canada, ages 14+ who is experiencing eating disorders, disordered eating or body image challenges.
Register for the Looking Glass Online Peer Support Chats.
Body Brave Recovery Support Program
Body Brave Recovery Support Program provides support session videos, self-reflection & assessment tools, and recovery resources for individuals seeking eating disorder/disordered eating recovery. All recovery support services are offered for free, virtually, to anyone ages 14+ across Canada.
Myths and facts about harm reduction
Myth: Harm reduction is only for people who use drugs.
Fact: Harm reduction applies to any behaviour. Wearing a seatbelt to mitigate injury in case of a car accident is harm reduction!
Learn more about what harm reduction is.
Myth: Harm reduction encourages risky behaviours like substance use.
Fact: Harm reduction acknowledges the real harm behind risky behaviours, and aims to reduce its impact rather than expecting complete and immediate abstinence.
Read this study to learn more about harm reduction as an approach.
Myth: Harm reduction is opposed to abstinence.
Fact: Harm reduction supports all options for safer and/or managed use, including total abstinence.
Learn more about what harm reduction is and examples of harm reduction.
More harm reduction information and resources
Harm reduction information (Different languages and media included)
- CAMH Harm Reduction Fact Sheet and Community Resources (PDF)
- Understanding Harm Reduction: Substance Abuse
- Harm Reduction Fundamentals Video Series
- What is Harm Reduction International
- Effective Substance Use Harm Reduction Interventions on College Campuses: A Scoping Review (2022)
- Effectiveness of Harm Reduction Intervention: results of a low threshold service centres’ activity (2020)
- A review of the efficacy and effectiveness of harm reduction strategies for alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs (2006)
- A review of the evidence-base for harm reduction approaches to drug use (PDF) (2003)
For more information, email health.promotion@utoronto.ca.