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Share your experience: U of T is listening

Posted February 23, 2021

Pathway between School of Graduate Studies and Sir Daniel Wilson Residence on the U of T St. George campus.
Photo: @UofTStudentLife on Instagram

Check your U of T email for important surveys about your student experience and the chance to win exciting prizes.

All undergraduate students will receive an email invitation in the next 10 days to complete either the Student Experience at the Research University (SERU) survey or the Multi-Institutional Study of Leadership (MSL) survey.

Graduate students who started their program during or prior to fall 2020 will receive an email to complete the Graduate Student Experience in the Research University (gradSERU) survey between now and April 20, 2021.

Your feedback will help U of T better understand your experiences during COVID-19 and provide valuable insight for improving policies, resources, programs and services.

SERU and gradSERU ask a broad range of questions on student experience including topics such as learning remotely during COVID-19, student life and wellbeing. SERU also has a specific focus on plans after graduation, while gradSERU includes particular topics for graduate students such as supervisory relationships, professional development and obstacles to degree progress.

This is the second time that U of T will participate in gradSERU, however it is the first time for SERU. In 2017, the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) learned that 25 percent of respondents were interested in more information from supervisors about networking opportunities and career development. This helped SGS to improve supports in the Centre for Graduate Professional Development and launch a new Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision.

MSL focuses on undergraduate student experiences outside of the classroom and this will be U of T’s fourth time participating in the survey. This year, questions have been customized to recognize that most students are participating in co-curricular experiences remotely.

Past results have provided insights on student identity, belonging and involvement beyond the classroom. For example, approximately 55 percent of U of T undergraduates identify with a major religion or faith, and one in three U of T students speak a language other than English or French outside of class. Results have also shown the importance of mentorship and involvement in campus groups on sense of belonging, and helped in the development of the Co-Curricular Record (CCR).

Undergraduate students that complete MSL or SERU will be entered to win a $250 gift card or one of 15 $50 gift cards for Presto, Uber Eats, Chapters/Indigo or the U of T Bookstore.

Graduate students that complete gradSERU early will be eligible to win an iPad Air or gift cards worth $25, $50 or $250.

Be sure to check your inbox for one of these important surveys to share your experience and feedback.

For more information, visit U of T is listening.

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