Posted March 16, 2021
Important message for students, faculty and staff of professional programs about COVID-19 vaccinations and other vaccines/tuberculosis (TB) skin tests:
An increasing number of students from professional programs have received COVID-19 vaccines. The current guidelines are that students need to wait 28 days after having their COVID-19 vaccine before they can receive other vaccines or have a TB skin test. They also need to wait 14 days after getting any vaccine through our clinic before getting a COVID-19 vaccine.
When you call Health & Wellness, you will be asked the following questions so we can book an appointment based on the guidelines:
1. Have you had a COVID-19 vaccine in the past 28 days?
2. Are you planning on getting a COVID-19 vaccine in the next 14 days?
In some cases, this may mean that vaccine appointments will be deferred for up to 6 weeks depending on the timing of COVID-19 vaccine doses. We recommend that the COVID-19 vaccine be prioritized over all other vaccines at this time (with the exception of post-exposure prophylaxis).
Find more information about Tuberculosis testing.
Visit COVID-19 vaccine information for FAQs related to COVID-19 vaccines.