If you are an international student, learn about how to obtain a work permit to work off campus by contacting the Centre for International Experience.
Working in Canada
- Working in Canada is a source of job listings, labour market information, and occupational and career information like educational requirements, main duties, wage rates and salaries, current employment trends, and outlooks. The site also outlines jobs in demand.
- Statistics Canada provides statistics on employment, job and industry trends.
- Industry Canada is Canada’s business information website. Use the Canadian Company Capabilities directory or the Canadian Business Map. You can find them using the site map.
- CNW Group delivers news releases and multimedia to news media, financial and online audiences.
- U of T Libraries and public libraries have resources that provide information about organizations, industries and labour markets. If you are an alumna/alumnus and you don’t have access to U of T’s internal databases, your local public library will have some options for you.