Before you agree to rent a place, we strongly recommend that you meet the landlord, inspect the premises and visit the neighbourhood. Taking the time to do so will ensure you are able to make an informed decision around things like neighbourhood safety, accessibility, lighting and maintenance.
Read our Apartment Viewing Checklist (PDF) and Landlord Q&A (PDF) to make sure you don’t miss anything important.
Inform your landlord in writing of any questions or concerns you may have. This will allow the landlord time to prepare the place before you move in.
If you inspect the rental accommodation that you have found through our services, and your evaluation of the premises or the landlord is negative, make sure you discuss your concerns with us.
Useful resources
Associated Programs
Become an empowered, educated tenant through URent events and workshops. Learn how to find safe and affordable rentals and resolve conflict with roommates and neighbours.
Learn more about URent -
Associated Services
Off-Campus Housing Finder
Use the Off-Campus Housing Finder to search for rentals and roommates. Learn more about Off-Campus Housing Finder