Most student groups and clubs at the University of Toronto seek recognition based on the Tri-Campus Guidelines on the Recognition of Student Groups (PDF).
Student groups include cultural groups, advocacy, social justice, hobby, arts and much more.
Student societies and course/program unions are not required to seek recognition, however, many of these groups apply for recognition to access certain benefits.
Benefits of group recognition
- The right to use the University’s name in conjunction with your activities. Only officially recognized student groups may use “University of Toronto” in the name of the organization.
- Use of University facilities and meeting spaces at a lower cost or at no cost compared to external organizations.
- Access to web server space.
- Listings in directories provided to the University community, including the Student Organization Portal.
You can find more information on the Virtual Clubs Help Desk Quercus Site.
Apply for student group recognition
Group leaders can apply for recognition through the Student Organization Portal.