If you have any questions, concerns or comments, you can reach us at multi.faith@utoronto.ca.
Please note, contact information for each Faith Leader to be updated shortly.

Rabbi Ryan Leszner
Faith Leader, Judaism
Rabbi Ryan Leszner serves as the Assistant Rabbi and Director of Jewish Living and Learning at Congregation Darchei Noam in Toronto, Canada. He was ordained from the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College in 2023. Ryan’s passion lies in providing educational musical experiences that connect people to Jewish wisdom, traditions and communities. With a wealth of experience in youth education and worship, serving communities in Toronto, San Francisco and Boston, he is committed to enriching the lives of learners, no matter their age.

Jenn Ferman
Faith Leader, Judaism
Jenn Ferman is an accomplished communal professional and Jewish educator, bringing her expertise back to Toronto after serving as the Jewish Chaplain and the Director at the Center for Jewish Life at Hamilton College in Central New York. With academic credentials in religious studies and education, Jenn’s commitment to community engagement is widely recognized. Jenn is dedicated to fostering interfaith and multi-faith dialogue and partnership initiatives. She serves as the Senior Campus Director of Hillel at the University of Toronto. Jenn is devoted to providing unwavering support to the students and staff at U of T.

Imam Yasin Dwyer
Faith Leader, Islam
Imam Yasin Dwyer was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba to Jamaican parents. He is the Executive Director and Lead Chaplain of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Before joining Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto, Imam Yasin was part of the multi-faith chaplaincy team at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. He has lectured extensively on topics such as religion and the arts, Black Canadian culture and the history of Muslims in the West. While working alongside many non-profit organizations in Canada, Imam Yasin was the first full-time Muslim chaplain to work with the Correctional Service of Canada, a position he held for 12 years. As well, Imam Yasin is a long-time board member of the Montreal based Institut Route de la Soie/Silk Road Institute, which is dedicated to expressing Canadian Muslim narratives through the visual, auditory and performing arts.

Brenda Heyink
Faith Leader, Christian Reformed
Brenda Heyink works for the Christian Reformed Campus Ministry at U of T. She works mainly with graduate students, through teaching and spiritual care, and with other chaplains and churches. Brenda coordinates and helps lead much of the programming of the ministry. Brenda is an ordained minister in the Christian Reformed Church and is in the process of finishing up her PhD on the confusing linguistic nature of the book of Ezekiel. She is married to a Dutch Catholic theologian, and they have a daughter. She enjoys biking, reading, and identifies as neurodivergent.

Catherine Starr
Faith Leader, Paganism
Catherine Starr, from Canada, is an experienced personal life coach with a Master’s in Library Science from San Jose State University and a Bachelor’s in Psychology from the University of Houston. Her career includes roles in information management and web development, alongside significant interfaith leadership. From 2006 until the dissolution of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Campus Chaplains Association, Catherine served as a Wiccan Chaplain for the U of T community. A key participant in the 2018 Parliament of World Religions’ Toronto Steering Committee, she has extensive experience in group facilitation and public speaking. Catherine is dedicated to enhancing support for grassroots organizations through URI, advocating for shared learning to tackle community challenges.