Study Hubs are running both in person and online. Find all upcoming sessions on Folio.
Come join and tackle your study goals!
Study Hubs are scheduled times for you to set and meet your studying goals. Quiet, welcoming spaces allow you to complete readings, work on assignments and prepare for tests and exams.
Open to all undergraduate and graduate students.
How Study Hubs Work
At the beginning of each session, a student peer mentor will help you set an achievable study goal for the next two hours. No matter what you have to do, setting SMART goals can be highly effective. Our mentors have useful academic resources on hand in case you need them.
Attendance can count toward CCR recognition once you attend at least six sessions and write a brief personal reflection.
Register for a Study Hub
Register for each session on Folio to get the specific Zoom URLs or to save your spot in the in-person options.
Share your name or email with the hosting peer mentor to work towards earning your community contributor credit with the CCR.
Lead a Study Hub
If you would like to become a peer mentor with the Study Hubs, we offer online training sessions near the beginning and midpoint of each term. You will be able to facilitate sessions on your own schedule, so you can do your own work and support other students at the same time!
Find the training schedule on Folio. If there are no training sessions on the calendar that work for your schedule, please contact Jonathan Vandor at to be added to the list of potential new hosts.
Once you’ve run eleven or more Study Hubs and written a brief personal reflection on your experience, you’ll be eligible for Co-Curricular Record (CCR) recognition. These reflections are collected though an online form that will be sent by email after your eleventh Hub.
What Students Are Saying
US52 votes
During Study Hubs, I had the opportunity to meet a variety of undergraduate, masters and doctoral degree students... We often share interesting stories at the beginning of each session: it reminds me to always maintain a healthy balance between academic work and life.
Judy, BASc student in Electrical Engineering
The SMART goals during each session were very useful to plan out work for the allotted 2 hours. The Study Hub facilitators were excellent in guiding us to share our goals with each other: the Hubs were a great way to start my journey at U of T.
Allison, M.Ed student in Developmental Psychology & Education
Study Hubs have helped me to work on myself by helping me cultivate and foster life-long skills such as time management and organization: they have helped me in furthering my understandings of my capabilities.
Dania, Bachelor’s student in Sociology
The Hubs provide a structured opportunity to do things and a unique community during these trying times... I've also learned how important it is to reflect on your own energy levels. If people participate in the Hubs, they can find a community that provides structure, motivation, accountability and, in turn, the energy to persist and work hard.
Charlotte, MA student in Higher Education