Clubs & Leadership Development gives awards to campus clubs and organizations on the St. George campus to acknowledge the amazing work of U of T students and staff members. Winners are announced at the Student Life Year End Celebration in March/April and on the Student Life Instagram page.
The awards are on display for anyone to see in the Clubs Help Desk, room 516 in 21 Sussex.
Award nominations will be open from February 1 until February 28 at 11:59 p.m.
Award Winners
Team Player of the Year Award: Janishan Jeyarajah

Instagram: @janishan02
Facebook: Janishan Jeyarajah
Janishan Jeyarajah (@janishan02) is a civil engineering student currently on his PEY Co-op term. He is one of the Social External Directors on UTSG TSA (@utsgtsa) and as a part of this role, he has planned and implemented a variety of events, such as UTSG TSA’s Annual Formal and Professional Night. He continues to work hard to promote events and initiatives that are meaningful and help bring the community together.
New Member of the Year: Kevin

Instagram: @kkevin.zhu
Facebook: @kevin.zhu.9085790
Kevin is a 3rd-year pharmaceutical chemistry student who entered the year looking to test his limits, balancing his run leader responsibilities at @uoftrunclub with his academics, research, Dragonboat training, and marathon aspirations. Kevin hosts a plethora of unique runs for hundreds of people while spreading his infectious energy, encouraging consistency and goal-setting, and upholding an inclusive environment.
New Initiative of the Year: Charitable Indulgence UofT

Instagram: @charitableindulgence.uoft
Charitable Indulgence UofT fundraises by selling treat boxes and hosting bake sales to support communities within and beyond Canadian borders. In the past year, the club has fundraised for Palestine, Morocco, Libya, Yemen, and Sudan raising over $19,000.
Program of the Year: “Hack the Heart”

Instagram: cube.skule
Facebook: CUBE-Club for Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering
“Hack the Heart” where innovation meets cardiology, is an annual initiative spearheaded by the Club for Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering (CUBE), where brains collide, ideas spark, and solutions beat to a different rhythm. This two-day hackthon engaged over 130+ students, 15+ researchers, and 5 workshops, and provided students who is interested in biomedical engineering (BME) a weekend packed with more than just code. As the only BME-themed hackathon in U of T, this event offered students the valuable opportunity to meet seasoned researchers, mingle with cutting-edge scientists, and network with industry professionals from the heart technology industry who are ready to share their expertise.
The Club for Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering is the only and the oldest biomedical engineering club at the undergraduate level at U of T. Currently, the club has over 1000 general members from different programs and faculties.
Outstanding Faculty/Staff Award: Ryan

Hi! I am Ryan and I am the Student Life Officer for student groups on the St. George campus! I spend my days supporting clubs with their administrative processes and am thrilled to be able to help students build community in whatever ways I can. I am extremely honoured to be receiving this as supporting clubs, while having its challenges, has been extremely fulfilling, fun, and positively chaotic. I hope to continue supporting students on campus and look forward to connecting with more clubs in the future!
Team Player of the Year Award: Gajathree Ananthathurai & Assia Messaoudi

The Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work (FIFSW)’s Graduate Student Association is a faculty course union which represents all Master of Social Work (MSW) students at U of T. They act as a liaison between students and faculty administration to incorporate student voices into the policies, programs and activities that impact them in order to improve the student experience.
New Member of the Year Award: Zyad Osman

Zyad is a second-year student of political science and human geography. He joined the Trinity Times in September 2022 as a staff writer in the news section of the paper, writing mostly about domestic and international politics. At the start of 2023, he founded ReFrame, the Trinity Times’ video department and hopes to start producing high-quality video journalism for the students and by the students.
Executive Leader of the Year Award: Emily Nyugen

Emily Nguyen is a second year medical student and co-president of the U of T Run Club (@uoftrunclub). Over the past 16 months, she has worked with her team to organize and lead three runs per week for over 500 runners. The club strives to provide free, high-quality, and fun athletic programming inclusive of all running paces and experience levels. The U of T Run Club will be operating over the summer semester and looks forward to welcoming new members!
Outstanding Staff or Faculty Award: Charlotte Pashley

Charlotte Pashley works as the Undergraduate Program Officer with the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. She has the privilege, as part of her role at the University, to get to work hand in hand with our Pharmacology and Toxicology student associations at the graduate and undergraduate level. Their hard work and dedication to bettering the student experience and giving back to the communities they serve inspires her every day to lend her support as a staff member and advocate for their goals and pursuits.
Program of the Year Award: Shimana Periye by the Bangladeshi Students’ Association

“Shimana Periye” was a successful networking event organized by the Bangladeshi Students’ Association, which aimed to provide a safe space for Bangladeshi and South Asian students to network with professionals from various companies. The event featured a panel discussion with prominent speakers and a networking session with representatives from 15+ companies, with over 100 attendees. The event provided attendees with valuable networking experience and insights into career opportunities.
New Initiative of the Year Award: Building Bridges: A Convention on Connection and Collaboration
Put together by two groups: UTGSU Race & Ethnicity Caucus AND Curriculum, Teaching & Learning Students’ Association. The Race and Ethnicity Caucus (REC) is committed to advocacy, scholarship, and activism. We aim to be a safe space for racialized non-binary gender & non-conforming individuals, and those who identify with a disability, at the University of Toronto. Our work is deeply dedicated to inclusion and justice. The Curriculum, Teaching & Learning Students’ Association (CTLSA) is committed to initiating, sponsoring and promoting the academic and social experience for CTL students and helping build a collaborative learning, caring and loving community at CTL department. The primary purpose is to ensure the active participation of all its members, the CTL students, in the decision-making processes on all issues which affect members on an individual level and departmental level. This process is intended to enhance and maximize the academic experience of all CTL students, be they part-time, flex-time or full-time.
Submit an Award Nomination for 2024-25
Awards are available to all recognized clubs, organizations and their members along with University of Toronto employed faculty/staff. Awards may be peer or self-nominated.
Note: University staff or faculty must also be part of a club as a student to win any award other than the Outstanding Staff/Faculty Award.
Find the specific eligibility requirements and application form for each award in their descriptions.
This award recognizes outstanding achievements in event and program planning by any group recognized by the University of Toronto.
- Any event/program is eligible for the award.
- The event/program can have one or multiple organizing clubs that are recognized by U of T.
- The award can be nominated by the organizing club or attendees who are not part of the organizing body.
This award recognizes the outstanding and “above and beyond” contributions of an executive member who has demonstrated exemplary leadership and role modelling.
- The nominee demonstrates leadership by being a great team player, empowering and engaging other members and improving the organization and effectiveness of the club.
- They develop positive relationships with other members, other clubs and have enhanced the impact and influence of the club.
- They are dedicated to their academics at U of T and successfully balances academics and their role in the club.
- They must be in good academic standing and enrolled in courses at U of T during their time as club executive.
Nominate a student for the Executive Leader of the Year Award.
This award recognizes the contributions of a new member in a University of Toronto recognized club or organization who stands out and has stepped up this year.
- This person can be in any year of study at the University of Toronto.
- They must be in good academic standing.
- They demonstrate a good balance of their academics and extracurricular involvement in the club.
- They have had a positive impact on the club.
- They have demonstrated excellent leadership and dedication to the club.
- They are committed to personal growth and have challenged themselves this year.
This award recognizes the contributions of a student member in a University of Toronto recognized club or organization who embodies what it means to be a team player: helpful, dedicated, kind to all members, reliable, takes initiative and acts as an excellent role model.
- This person has made a positive impact on the club and has demonstrated excellent leadership and dedication to the club.
- The nominee may be in any year of study at the University of Toronto.
- The nominee must be in good academic standing and demonstrate good balance of academic and extracurricular involvement in the club.
- They may or may not be an executive member.
This award recognizes an innovative or creative approach or project undertaken by a University of Toronto recognized club or organization. This award was developed to identify and celebrate projects and initiatives that are not necessarily events or programs.
- This new idea was developed to solve an issue, to improve the impact or function of the club or to improve the lives/experiences of U of T students.
- This initiative or idea had a profound impact and will be implemented into future club activities and plans.
Nominate a project for the New Initiative or Vision for Campus Club or Organization Award.
This award recognizes and celebrates staff and faculty who have shown a commitment to supporting student organizations and their development. Through the efforts of this staff or faculty member, club and group leaders feel supported and connected to the larger U of T community.
- Any University of Toronto employed staff or faculty member is eligible for this award.
- The nominee demonstrates curiosity and care in supporting campus organization(s) and their leaders’ ideas, initiatives and innovations.
- They foster intentional and meaningful positive relationships with club and group leaders while connecting them to helpful resources.
Nominate a staff or faculty member for the Outstanding Staff/Faculty Support Award.
Awards will be announced at the Student Life Year End Celebration. Invitations will be emailed to all students and clubs nominated.
Award winners will receive their award at the celebration and their names will be engraved on the annual wall plaques that are on display in the Clubs Help Desk at the 21 Sussex Clubhouse.