Posted May 17, 2022
By Kirsty Clarke
If you need a UTORid/TCard for this fall, TCard Services has launched a new website that simplifies the process and new tools that allow students to check what documentation they need and upload the documents along with their photo directly.
The new site, tcard.utoronto.ca, boasts clear action-oriented navigation, a clean new look and step-by-step processes for getting your first UTORid/TCard or replacing a lost card. It also offers a new Documentation Tool that helps users identify the documentation they need to get their UTORid or TCard, and new software where newly admitted students can submit their photo and documentation online to get their UTORid activated.
“Often, students who came to pick up their TCard did not have the right documentation with them”, said Arlene Clement, Director, Housing & TCard Services. “Some had travelled from out of province and couldn’t easily return home to get them. We wanted to provide a tool that would make it easier to know exactly what is required.”
The new tool asks users a series of questions and determines what documentation is required based on their answers. Anyone can use the tool – an incoming student, a parent, registrars and any U of T community members who need a TCard. In the past, newly admitted students could submit a photo online but would need to have a remote appointment with TCard staff to have their photo and documentation validated. With the new software, students submit their photo and documentation online, making it much more convenient.
Students were involved in testing out all aspects of the site and the new Documentation Tool, with help from EASI’s User Experience team.
“So far we’ve received really positive feedback! Students and staff have said that the new website is easy to navigate,” said Clement. “We’ve had a few international student advisors comment on how helpful the documentation tool is, and students who had originally booked an appointment in CLNx to have their photo/documentation reviewed have let us know they really liked being able to just have it all done online instead.”
Students will still be required to bring their documentation with them when they come to pick up their TCard. Appointments to pick up a TCard can be booked on CLNx at clnx.utoronto.ca.
New U of T students who submit their photo and documentation online and have them approved by August 10 will be eligible for a draw for a $200 U of T Bookstore gift card (3 gift cards will be awarded in total—one for a student on each campus).