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2024 Summer Prep Checklist and Calendar

Connect, learn, thrive

September might feel a long way off, but there are lots of ways to set yourself up for success right now. Student Life is here with you every step of the way! We’ll connect you to people and resources, help you learn to reach your potential, and thrive at U of T.

Check out the Summer Prep Checklist and Calendar to get a sense of the programs and events that are available from Student Life. Don’t forget to come back often and get the latest updates:

Audience Icons

Our events and programs welcome all incoming students, with some tailored for specific audiences.

You can find targeted events by looking for these audience icons within the checklist:

Icon of a globe with a location marker on top of it.

International students

Icon of a dreamcatcher.

Indigenous students

Icon of the outline of a person with their arms spread wide on a green/blue circle background

Students with a disability

Image of a rainbow flag with the colours black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

2SLGBTQ+ students

Icon of three user icons (with a circle head and rounded shoulders) formatted in a triangle formation.

Mature and transfer students

Icon of two large people and one small person in a group with a heart over them.

Students with family responsibilities

Icon of a lit candle in a holder.

Spiritual students

Icon of three figures, standing with one figure in the front and two behind, with stars on their chests with the letters LA beside.

Latin American students

Icon of three figures, standing with one figure in the front and two behind, with stars on their chests with the letters FG beside.

First-generation students*

Icon of three figures, standing with one figure in the front and two behind,  with stars on their chests with the letters ABC beside.

African Black Caribbean students

Icon of three figures, standing with one figure in the front and two behind, with stars on their chests with the letters SEA beside.

Southeast Asian students

Your UTORid is your digital student credential that gives you access to online services like email (UTmail+), course content on Quercus, webinars, library resources, Microsoft 365 applications, WiFi on campus, Folio and more.

Don’t wait until the last minute – activate your UTORid as soon as possible!

Skip the start-of-term rush and get access to online resources as early as May 1 by submitting your photo and documentation today. You can pick up your TCard (campus identification) when you arrive on campus. Be sure to check for pick-up locations and hours on the website before you come. 

And, if you activate your UTORid before August 10 you could win a $200 U of T Bookstore gift card.

Starting Point is a build-your-own-experience program connecting you to programs and events at U of T. It works with your schedule, gives you opportunities to learn new things and helps you stay informed about what’s happening on campus. Most events listed on this calendar count towards program completion, so register today to get started. 

Plus, if you register before August 24, you’ll be entered for a chance to win one of two $50 U of T Bookstore gift cards!

“Enrolling in Starting Point was probably the best decision I made at the beginning of the year. It gave me a guideline, a goal, something to work towards so that I would force myself to be involved.”

We have lots of events, online resources and webinars, too. Follow Student Life on InstagramTikTok and Facebook for important info about connecting with your student community today.

Life @ U of T

Follow the Student Life Community Crew on InstagramTikTok and Facebook, and check out the Life @ U of T blog, where students share their experiences about life on campus.

Incoming: 9 New Things

You’ve probably already started receiving 9 New Things, the Student Life newsletter highlighting interesting events and useful information. You’ll receive special incoming student issues throughout the summer, and then weekly issues in the fall.

Take a look at the pre-arrival guide for more info about getting started this fall and search the international students tag throughout the checklist to highlight events designed with you in mind. And if you haven’t already applied for your study permit, start today! Details are in the pre-arrival guide, and the immigration advising team hosts weekly Q&A sessions and appointments if you have any questions.

If you are arriving in at Toronto Pearson International Airport when you arrive in Toronto, visit the U of T Welcome Booth.

Icon of a globe with a location marker on top of it.

International Students

Use your UTORid/JOINid to log in to the Off-Campus Housing Finder and begin your search. You can save and compare your favourite listings, search for a roommate using the Roommate Finder and learn about your rights and responsibilities. Visit housing.utoronto.ca for more help with your housing search.

Explore your off-campus housing options at one of our summer events (see details on the orientation events listing):

*NOTE: You will need to login to Folio with your UTORid/JOINid to see these events

Housing prep workshops:

  • Intro to the Toronto Housing Market: July 9, 17, 26 
  • Effective Housing Search Strategies: July 30, August 7, 16 
  • Integrating into Campus Life While Living Off Campus: August 2, 8 20

URent workshops:

  • Finding a Place: June 6, 17, July 5, 12, 15, August 1, 12 
  • Drop-in Q&A: June 19, August 21 
  • Tenant Topics: Renting with roommates: June 11 
  • Tenant Topics: Avoiding scams: July 16

Housing Fairs:

2SLGBTQ+ Roommate Meet & Greet: July 13

5 Questions About… Finding a place to live: July 11

Image of a rainbow flag with the colours black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

LGBTQ2S+ students

For step-by-step instructions that will guide you through the online payment process, visit the Student Accounts website. And you can find info on financing your education on the University Registrar’s website.

Indigenous students

You may be eligible for the U of T Indigenous Tuition Grant. And remember to contact your community to see if you’re eligible for band funding to cover incidental fees!

Icon of a dreamcatcher.

Indigenous students

Get help with navigating disability-related barriers and find supports for learning, problem solving and inclusion with Accessibility Services.

To make sure your accommodations are in place by September, submit your complete student intake package by July 12, 2024 (visit uoft.me/asregister for a step-by-step guide). Remember to have your current health-care provider complete all the required documents before you come to campus.

You may also be eligible for bursaries that can help with disability-related services and equipment. To get started, apply for OSAP or provincial funding as soon as possible.

For more info on registering with Accessibility Services, programs and services, and opportunities to connect with other students, attend one of our Moving Forward summer Get Started sessions:

All students: July 3, August 1 
International students: July 23, August 21
Students with ASD and ADHD: July 12, August 7 

Moving Forward orientation: August 26-27

Navigating disability & registering with Accessibility Services: July 3 
Accessibility Services Open House: September 13 

NOTE: You will need to login to Folio with your UTORid/JOINid to access these links.

Reach out to us or connect with an accessibility peer advisor at a drop-in session if you have any questions. Don’t forget to sign up for the Access Us mentorship program as well.

Icon of a globe with a location marker on top of it.

International Students

Icon of the outline of a person with their arms spread wide on a green/blue circle background

Students with a disability

Involvement on campus is an important part of your university experience, and your Co-Curricular Record is an official way for U of T to recognize the things you do. Certain activities can be validated on your CCR, creating a way to connect your experiences to skills that appeal to employers, graduate schools and more. 

You can get your first CCR validation ASAP for the Summer Prep Checklist by following these steps: 

  1. Attend one orientation workshop on preparing for university academics. 
  2. Attend any two additional qualifying orientation workshops. 
  3. Tell us how you plan to get involved at U of T. 
  4. Register for the Starting Point program.

And that’s it – now you’ll be on track to get a good start at U of T while completing the first item on your CCR! Visit the Summer Prep Checklist on Folio to enroll and get started.

If you have questions about anything related to Student Life, just ask! Get answers to all your questions by watching our Facebook Lives.  You can also ask us any time on InstagramTikTok and Facebook @UofTStudentLife.

5 Questions About…

Check our Facebook events page for more details:

Icon of three figures, standing with one figure in the front and two behind,  with stars on their chests with the letters ABC beside.

African Black Caribbean students

Icon of a globe with a location marker on top of it.

International Students

Icon of the outline of a person with their arms spread wide on a green/blue circle background

Students with a disability

Icon of a lit candle in a holder.

Spiritual students

Learning happens outside the classroom, too. Getting involved on campus is a great way to: 

  • build your skills, gain work experience and explore career possibilities.
  • meet new people and engage in activities that matter to you.
  • stay active and de-stress!

There are tons of ways to get involved – here are just a few to help you get a head start this summer.

  • Register for Starting Point.
  • Explore the database of student clubs and organizations on the Student Organization Portal.
  • Start building your Co-Curricular Record (CCR). Explore the database of opportunities at folio.utoronto.ca and use the events in this calendar to get your first CCR validation for the Summer Prep Checklist and start connecting your experiences to skills.  
  • Check out our Facebook Lives on clubs, orientation, connecting with U of T students and more!
  • Spadina Block Party – Get to know student life services on Spadina Avenue and meet new students on September 6.

Attending orientation is an amazing way to get to know more about U of T, learn about your campus and connect with new people. These events are designed to help you thrive during your time at U of T!

Orientation activities are mostly decentralized, with each college and faculty offering separate events. If you have questions about orientation, join our Facebook Live: Orientation FAQs on August 13.

Community-specific orientation events

(See uoft.me/orientation for event details and registration. You will need to login to Folio with your UTORid/JOINid)

International students

African Black Caribbean students

Spiritual students

Icon of three figures, standing with one figure in the front and two behind,  with stars on their chests with the letters ABC beside.

African Black Caribbean students

Icon of three figures, standing with one figure in the front and two behind, with stars on their chests with the letters LA beside.

Latin American students

Icon of three figures, standing with one figure in the front and two behind, with stars on their chests with the letters SEA beside.

Southeast Asian students

Icon of three figures, standing with one figure in the front and two behind, with stars on their chests with the letters FG beside.

First-generation students*

Icon of a globe with a location marker on top of it.

International students

Icon of a dreamcatcher.

Indigenous students

Icon of the outline of a person with their arms spread wide on a green/blue circle background

Students with a disability

Image of a rainbow flag with the colours black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

LGBTQ2S+ students

Icon of three user icons (with a circle head and rounded shoulders) formatted in a triangle formation.

Mature and transfer students

Icon of two large people and one small person in a group with a heart over them.

Students with family responsibilities

Icon of a lit candle in a holder.

Spiritual students

(*First-generation students are those who are the first in their family to attend post-secondary school in Canada)

Explore what university learning is like and build your foundation for academic success at U of T.  

Note: You will need to login to Folio with your UTORid/JOINiD to view these events.

University Prep 3-part micro-course 
Learn the essentials of university-level learning (attend one or all 3 modules). 

  • How do I Study: Effective practices for learning: August 13, 20 
  • How do I Plan: Organizing university learning: August 14, 21 
  • How do I Stay Motivated: Practicing consistency over perfection: August 15, 22 

Learning How to Learn at U of T workshop series
Discover evidence-based practices to improve studying (attend one or all 3 workshops)

  • Effective Notetaking: August 20, 29 
  • Strategic Reading: August 21, 27 
  • Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time: August 22, 28

“[The workshop] was super accessible, and I could understand everything, and it was very helpful—perfect for easing into university life.”

Learning at U of T as an International Student: Q&A: August 23

Facebook Live: How to Study at U of T: September 12

Questions about your future academic experience? Connect with CLSS peer mentors.   

Icon of a globe with a location marker on top of it.

International Students

Build your skills as you gain work and research experience with a paid, on-campus job. Check out the Career & Co-Curricular Learning Network (CLNx) for thousands of on-campus jobs and Work Study positions. Work Study positions are posted in August.

Note: You will need to login to Folio or CLNx with your UTORid/JOINiD to view these events.

Learn more at a Work Study Q&A session: August 18, 13, 19, 23

Facebook Live: Getting a Work Study job on campus: July 25

African Black Caribbean, Latin American & Southeast Asian Students Applying to On & Off Campus Jobs: June 19

For tips on writing your resumé and cover letter and preparing for interviews, visit the Career Resource Library at uoft.me/careerresourcelibrary

Icon of three figures, standing with one figure in the front and two behind,  with stars on their chests with the letters ABC beside.

African Black Caribbean students

Icon of three figures, standing with one figure in the front and two behind, with stars on their chests with the letters LA beside.

Latin American students

Icon of three figures, standing with one figure in the front and two behind, with stars on their chests with the letters SEA beside.

Southeast Asian students

Icon of three figures, standing with one figure in the front and two behind, with stars on their chests with the letters FG beside.

First-generation students*

(*First-generation students are those who are the first in their family to attend post-secondary school in Canada)

Get inspired by connecting with an upper-year student or alum who can provide guidance and motivation. These programs include workshops and social events and resources to help you find community, build skills and explore careers. Many programs begin this summer, so start now to find a program that works for you.  

You can discover the many different mentorship opportunities available in activities on Folio (log in with your UTORid/JOINid). Want more support? Book an appointment with a student mentorship education assistant or a mentor navigator right in Folio. 

Mentorship Programs


Bridging Connections Mentorship Program events: August 26, September 16, 19 

Complete the Finding your Own Mentor e-course at uoft.me/findyourmentor

Icon of three figures, standing with one figure in the front and two behind,  with stars on their chests with the letters ABC beside.

African Black Caribbean students

Icon of three figures, standing with one figure in the front and two behind, with stars on their chests with the letters LA beside.

Latin American students

Icon of three figures, standing with one figure in the front and two behind, with stars on their chests with the letters SEA beside.

Southeast Asian students

Icon of three figures, standing with one figure in the front and two behind, with stars on their chests with the letters FG beside.

First-generation students*

Icon of a globe with a location marker on top of it.

International Students

Icon of the outline of a person with their arms spread wide on a green/blue circle background

Students with a disability

(*First-generation students are those who are the first in their family to attend post-secondary school in Canada)

Look for the ASKme Anything pop-up booths around campus! Upper-year students and recent alumni are on hand and ready to answer your questions.

Monday-Friday, August 19 – September 9 and the weekend of August 24 and 25.

Once you are registered, you can make appointments at the Health & Wellness health and mental health clinics. Visit the Health & Wellness website for info on registering as a new patient. 

Check that your provincial health card is up-to-date and that you’ve had all the immunizations you need. Next, create a file with your vaccination history, prescriptions and any health-related information and bring it with you to your first appointment.  

Remember to check with your student union to find out more about supplementary health insurance that can help cover a lot of medical expenses!  

If you’re an international student, be sure your UTmail+ email address is listed on your ACORN account to receive your University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) card by email this September. Remember to print out your UHIP card when you receive it, and consider attending one of these events to learn about the University Health Insurance Plan:

Icon of a globe with a location marker on top of it.

International Students

Familiarize yourself with the safety resources on campus and keep these numbers handy so you can find what you need at any time.

Need to talk to someone right now?

U of T Telus Health Student Support1-844-451-9700
Good2Talk Student Helpline                  1-866-925-5454
Suicide Crisis Helpline988


Fire, Police, Ambulance911
Campus Safety (on-campus/safety abroad urgent)416-978-2222

Community resources:

Access CAMH (mental health addictions, Mon-Fri, 8:30 a.m-4:30 p.m.)416-535-8501 ext. 2
Assaulted Women’s Helpline1-866-863-0511
Black Youth Helpline (Daily, 9a.m. -l0p.m.)1-833-294-8650
Distress Centres of Greater Toronto416-408-4357
Emergency Shelter    1-877-338-3398
Gerstein Crisis Centre Support Line416-929-5200
Hope for Wellness Helpline for Indigenous students1-855-242-3310
LGBT Youth line (Sun-Fri 4 -9:30 p.m. )  1-800-268-9688
Naseeha Helpline for Muslim Youth           
(Daily, 12 p.m. -3 a.m.)
Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Care Centre416-323-6040
Toronto Rape Crisis Centre416-597-8808

Campus Resources (available during regular business hours):

Accessibility Services416-978-8060
Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office416-978-1259
Campus Safety (information) 416-978-2323
Centre for International Experience416-978-2564
Centre for Learning Strategy Support416-978-7970
Community Safety Office416-978-1485
Family Care Office416-978-0951
Health & Wellness Centre416-978-8030
Indigenous Student Services416-978-8227
Multi-Faith Centre416-946-3120
Sexual & Gender Diversity Office416-946-5624
Sexual Violence Prevention & Support Centre416-978-2266
TravelSafer (available 24/7)416-978-7233

Other resources:

Resources for Parents and Supporters

The people who care about you have questions of their own, so let them know about the parents and supporters website where they can find lots of valuable info and register for webinars. They can also subscribe to the Parent & Supporters newsletter to stay in the loop and get timely updates! 

Orientation webinar for parents & supporters: June 10, July 10, August 13, September 18

Summer Prep Calendar

There are over 100 Student Life Orientation events and workshops happening this summer to help you prep for university life.

You can view the full listing of Student Life events and workshops in the orientation calendar on Folio, an experiential learning platform at U of T.

All you need is your UTORid or JOINid to log in and get started.

View of the Folio calendar page on the Folio website.

Download the accessible version of the 2024 Summer Prep Calendar and Checklist PDF for enhanced readability and usability.

Be sure to check out all that U of T has to offer

This checklist and calendar will give you a great sense of programs and events that are available from Student Life, but there are so many more! Be sure to check out Hart House, student unions (UTSU and APUS), Sport & Rec and your college or faculty because they’ll have lots of stuff going on, too.

Get the latest updates on your summer checklist and calendar

Watch this space for the latest events, info, and tips to make your summer prep a breeze.

Stay connected with Student Life

Student Life on TikTok

Join our TikTok community of students sharing their experiences, tips, and tricks to help you thrive at U of T.

Navi Icon with the text 'Your U of T Resource Finder'
Your U of T Resource Finder Virtual Agent