The University of Toronto offers several academic programs focusing on issues of interest to Indigenous students.
Centre for Indigenous Studies
Under the Faculty of Arts & Science, the Centre for Indigenous Studies (CIS) hosts academic and community programs that foster innovative, participatory research with urban Indigenous peoples and develops collaborations with Indigenous communities and community organizations. The CAI hosts the following initiatives:
Indigenous Studies Program
Indigenous Studies focuses on the languages, cultures, histories, arts, creativity, knowledge and well-being of Indigenous peoples within Canada and worldwide.
The program teaches critical analysis and logical and creative thinking, and is concerned with the re-conceptualization of knowledge, requiring its students to examine their own knowledge and experiences from different perspectives. The program strives to fit the needs of all students, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous.
Indigenous Language Initiative (Ciimaan/Kahuwe’yá/Qajaq)
The Centre for Indigenous Studies’s Indigenous Language Initiative (Ciimaan/Kahuwe’yá/Qajaq) supports the University of Toronto community in the study and everyday use of Indigenous languages. It provides space, programming and support to language learners and speakers within the Indigenous Studies Program at the University of Toronto and the broader community.
Supporting Aboriginal Graduate Enhancement (SAGE)
SAGE is a peer-based cross-university educational initiative that builds community networks, provides ongoing support and increases the number of doctoral and master’s credentialed Indigenous scholars across Ontario.
Indigenous Education Program
The Indigenous Education Network (IEN) is the OISE-wide forum for students and faculty to work together on shared research and teaching interests.
The Adult Education and Community Development program, along with the departments of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, and Social Justice Education, collaborate in this interdepartmental research area and in the development of Indigenous Education studies. The IEN and the Indigenous Student Caucus offices are located in the department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education.
For more information, visit the Indigenous Education Network.
Collaborative Program in Indigenous Health
The Collaborative Program in Indigenous Health involves graduate units in the Faculties of Medicine, Nursing and OISE/UT, and is in collaboration with the Faculty of Arts & Science’s Indigenous Studies Program.
The program provides training in Indigenous health research and practice for graduate students at the University of Toronto, while enhancing mutually beneficial relationships with Indigenous communities and organizations.
Awards and research allowances
Graduate students involved with Indigenous health research can access awards and research allowances to graduate students through the Indigenous Health Research Development Program (IHRDP).
Contact Amanda Sheppard,CPIH Program Coordinator at or 416-978-0298.
Program Eligibility
Refer directly to the program of interest for eligibility information.